The Government plans to approve a decree with measures for Social Security next week, according to CC.OO.
The Executive and social partners will meet again on Tuesday.
The Government has transferred to unions its willingness to approve a Royal Decree Law next week with different measures in the area of Social Security, as reported by CC.OO. it’s a statement.
However, the organization led by Unai Sordo has affirmed that the Executive has not guaranteed that among these measures is the repeal of the pension reform of 2013.
In the meeting held today at the social dialogue table of Social Security, the trade union organizations have called on the Executive that in the last Council of Ministers before the dissolution of the Cortes, to be held next Friday, meet its repeated commitments of derogation of the pension reform of 2013 and with those assumed in matters of labor reform.
“It is not time for further delays, nor the absence of negotiation commitments by any of the protagonists of the social dialogue can grant any right of veto,” the union has made clear.
The Government will meet again next Tuesday with trade union and business organizations to address again, at the social dialogue table on Employment, the labor reform. “The commitments reiterated by the current government to repeal the two reforms, labor and pension, must be clearly specified,” he insisted.
CC.OO. has indicated that the response of the Executive of Pedro Sánchez to these demands will depend on the union response. Thus, he warned that if the Government “ends up becoming jointly responsible for the pension and labor reforms approved by the previous Executive,” the union will promote a unitary response from the trade union movement and Spanish society.