Measures of distance between male and female workers and with the users with whom they interact in the workplace.
RESOLUTION TSF / 759/2020, of March 22, which specifies the measures of distance between male and female workers and with the users with whom they interact in the workplace.
Given the emergency situation derived from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic, it is necessary to implement and specify distance measures between workers in work centers that remain open, either because they are essential services or because Royal Decree 463 / 2020, by which the state of alarm is declared, does not foresee its closure.
Article 10 of Royal Decree 463/2020, which declares the state of alarm caused by COVID-19, which dictates containment measures in the field of commercial activity, cultural facilities, establishments and
recreational activities, hotel and restaurant activities, and other additional services, establishes that, in any case, crowds will be avoided and that consumers and workers will be controlled
keep a safe distance of at least one meter, in order to avoid contagion.
The same provisions of article 11 of the Royal Decree are mentioned in relation to places of worship and civil and religious ceremonies.
Article 163.2. b) of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia establishes that the Generalitat de Catalunya has shared competence in the following area:
“The ordering, planning, determination, regulation and implementation of measures and actions aimed at preserving, protecting and promoting public health in all areas, including occupational health,
animal health with effects on human health, food safety, environmental health and epidemiological surveillance. “
It is a competence that develops state bases and determines protection measures in all areas.
In turn, the Consell de Relacions Laborals, a social consensus-building body regulated by Law 1/2007, of June 5, of the Consell de Relacions Laborals, has been preparing recommendations to companies and workers regarding the measures that must be adopted to cope with the current situation:
- Specify, in reference to the distance measures between the workers of the work centers that remain open, either because they are essential services or because Royal Decree 463/2020, by which the state of alarm is declared, does not provide for their closure , that separation between the workers, as well as the users with whom they interact, will have to be one and a half meters apart in accordance with the recommendations of the health authorities.
- This measure will not apply to workers who, by reason of their activity, are understood to have to provide their services at shorter distances, as is the case of health professionals, the social services network, bodies and state security forces.
- To extend the Recommendations of the Consell de Relacions Laborals de Catalunya to companies and workers in Catalonia.
- Publish this resolution in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
- The content of this Resolution may be subject to adaptation, depending on the evolution of the epidemic and the instructions of the health authorities.