Mortgage Lending: Extraordinary Measures for the Coronavirus
RDL 8/2020, of March 8, includes, among other urgent measures adopted, a tax benefit in the ITP and AJD that affects the novations of mortgage loans and credits.
With effect from 18-3-2020 and valid for one month, notwithstanding that its duration may be extended by the Government after evaluation of the exceptional situation by the COVOD-19, an exemption applicable to the gradual quota of notarial documents of the modality of documented legal acts of the ITP and AJD to the deeds of formalization of contractual novations of mortgage loans and credits that occur under the protection of RDL 8/2020 is approved.
Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of March 17, on extraordinary urgent measures to address the economic and social impact of COVID-19.